By visualising team cooperation through these 3 concentric circles (owned, learnt, known), team members can develop a strong sense of personal responsibility, foster collaboration and learning within the team, and gain a broader understanding of the larger context in which they operate. This approach promotes a holistic and effective teamwork dynamic. And there are four …
Category Archives: My life
关于生命、AI 和投降派的妄想
本文是由发布在推特上的片段思路整理,并在 ChatGPT 的帮助下完成的。感谢 ChatGPT 的支持,同时,作为人类-AI共赢计划。请大家都来当电池吧。没有人是 Neo (没有人:我不是) 引子 周一,晴。阳光从东方那棉絮一样的云层里漏出丝丝火焰,仔细观察,原来那棉絮其实是棉花糖。周末我剪了草、当了电工又当水工,这繁重的体力劳动后,我的大脑反而得到了良好休息,脑洞大开0.1mm。因此,我想写一篇关于生命、AI和末世幻想的序列推文。 近期,ChatGPT已经火得上了天。各路神仙都已经对其进行了拆解,7×24的、圆环直径向旋转一周的角度。乐观者认为,短期内人类开始了与AI共生的新纪元;长期来看,AI将在各种领域进一步解放生产力,推进再一次的工业革命。而悲观者则反复强调,AI将替代大部分人的基础工作,短期内就会看到大量基础从业人员失业。而长期来看,这一情况会进一步加速,不论是社会财富还是人类权力,都会重新分配并更加集中。这两种观点都有自己的论据,所以都有一定的可信度。 然而,考虑论据才能说话的就不能算是脑洞了,不是吗?
Don’t be fooled by scams
Recently, I found some funny “news” on Facebook. For example, a surprising mom with a new house. Or, surprised father and the dreamed motorhome. I won’t notice if they are fake or not, before the two stories displayed in my timeline at the same time only 2 or 3 contents away. If you look them …
The “triangular routing” to the flea market, forests
Sunday, a triangular routing would be a perfect plan. I have to admit that the term is borrowed from the mobile network, but it can be figured out, isn’t it?
Walking around Mt Albert – Part 2
Followed the previous post: Walking around Mt Albert – Part 1 Alberton, a farmhouse, was built as the residence of Allan Kerr Taylor, who was a notable New Zealand landowner and businessman. Taylor’s family contributed to Mt Albert region a lot. It’s said that the family gave the land to build St. Luck’s Church and …
Walking around Mt Albert – Part 1
Being Auckland about 2 weeks I didn’t write any journals about my trip. One part is about my laziness, the other side is that I don’t have a good idea about my hiking map. I’ve walked back from the city to Mt Albert where I live currently(Yes, it’s 7 km and took me 2 hours). …
一个不懂得生活的程序员,就永远不能感受编程的乐趣。于是各种爱生活的程序员涌现出来,爱吃爱玩爱生活……的确,编程本来就源于生活,以下内容为证。这些内容,可能大家早就看过了,但是我作为一个每天在做这些事情的人,每次看到、想起,依然觉得很有趣。我希望你也能感同身受吧…… Bug 在软件行业,Bug,通常是说某种错误、瑕疵、故障或缺陷。Grace Hopper 被认为,在 1946 年为 Harvard Mark II 项目工作的时候抓到了第一只“虫子”。
A repo to mourn the github users who passed away
Jim Weirich passed away two days ago. When I viewed his last commit, I saw a mourning message on the page. Github’s great jobs should be appreciated. All of us will be gone someday. People behind us will read our codes. They maybe think about them and get to know what kind of person we …
Continue reading “A repo to mourn the github users who passed away”
关于南极动物公司的 H 总半夜回复邮件,凌晨上线生产环境这个段子,总是有一些人拉出来说事。弄得好像判断他人是否勤奋,只能是通过这个人凌晨三点是否还在工作来识别一样。先不说 H 总当时是不是在国外,有没有时差这个问题。有几个公司真得把开发、测试、上线这个流程跑通了?没跑通,有几个人敢这么冒冒然上线?冒冒然上线了,有几个人敢白天蒙头睡觉?敢白天蒙头睡觉,有几个公司允许不考勤的……扯远了,拉回来。这篇文章是我去年12月初看到的,当时就想翻译,结果一拖就成了跨年度项目了(我得承认,我偷懒了)。当了很多年的程序员,也做了几年技术管理工作,感觉原文作者的经历还是很有代表性的。至少如果现在还天天忙着用代码行数来判断程序员贡献的领导,可能得评估一下公司的技术、开发工具相关选型是不是还在原始社会了。原文在这里,请翻墙阅读。 ————翻译分隔线———— 你的程序员在勤奋工作,还是在偷懒? Mike Hadlow 撰写 当人们进行体力劳动时,很容易判断他们是否在努力工作。你可以看到汗流浃背的劳动过程。还可以看到他们工作的结果:砖墙越来越高;地上的洞越来越大。认可并且嘉奖辛勤的劳动绝对是人类最基本的本能,这也是体育运动如此经久不衰的让人着迷的原因之一。但用这种本能的赞赏来面对技术研发的员工时,就成为了一个问题。高效的知识型劳动者经常让人觉得他没有在努力工作。