
  • Background I’ve been working with HydraDX recently and attempting to run it in Docker. Unfortunately, the last runnable version of HydraDX is significantly outdated, and it no longer connects to active peers. Furthermore, when attempting to use a more recent HydraDX Docker image, an error arises indicating “version `GLIBC_2.34′ not found.” As of the most…

  • By visualising team cooperation through these 3 concentric circles (owned, learnt, known), team members can develop a strong sense of personal responsibility, foster collaboration and learning within the team, and gain a broader understanding of the larger context in which they operate. This approach promotes a holistic and effective teamwork dynamic. And there are four…

  • 最近 ChatGPT 着实火了一把,据说 GTP4 也即将发布。现在Large Language Model(LLM )也受到了类似图像生成的 Stable Diffusion 那种高光时刻。 在之前我一直有一个错误的观念,认为谁掌握着计算能力,谁才能得到最好的AI模型。直到 Facebook 2023 年二月 24 号发布了论文“LLaMA: Open and Efficient Foundation Language Models”。粗略阅读之后,我才知道原来在一个限定的预算下,大参数模型并不如小参数模型用更多的数据进行训练。 当前,许多 AI 模型都依赖 CUDA,比如 nanoGPT,这也就意味着必须有 NVIDIA 的 GPU来训练和运行。有这样的硬件限制,对于我这种只是想初步了解一下 LLMs 的一些基本概念的业余爱好者变成了一个比较高的门槛。 所幸的是 Georgi Gerganov 用 C/C++ 基于 LLaMA 实现了一个跑在 CPU 上的移植版本 llama.cpp。llama.cpp 甚至将 Apple silicon 作为一等公民对待,这也意味着苹果 silicon 可以顺利运行这个语言模型。

  • 本文是由发布在推特上的片段思路整理,并在 ChatGPT 的帮助下完成的。感谢 ChatGPT 的支持,同时,作为人类-AI共赢计划。请大家都来当电池吧。没有人是 Neo (没有人:我不是) 引子 周一,晴。阳光从东方那棉絮一样的云层里漏出丝丝火焰,仔细观察,原来那棉絮其实是棉花糖。周末我剪了草、当了电工又当水工,这繁重的体力劳动后,我的大脑反而得到了良好休息,脑洞大开0.1mm。因此,我想写一篇关于生命、AI和末世幻想的序列推文。 近期,ChatGPT已经火得上了天。各路神仙都已经对其进行了拆解,7×24的、圆环直径向旋转一周的角度。乐观者认为,短期内人类开始了与AI共生的新纪元;长期来看,AI将在各种领域进一步解放生产力,推进再一次的工业革命。而悲观者则反复强调,AI将替代大部分人的基础工作,短期内就会看到大量基础从业人员失业。而长期来看,这一情况会进一步加速,不论是社会财富还是人类权力,都会重新分配并更加集中。这两种观点都有自己的论据,所以都有一定的可信度。 然而,考虑论据才能说话的就不能算是脑洞了,不是吗?

  • Recently, I set up a new developing environment in a VirtualBox VM. The source code shares between the host and VM by shared folder. It causes a problem that the config file can not be found when Nginx is starting up. I searched on Google and found some related posts. “If Nginx does not start…

  • To follow yesterday progress, I will use the board to fetch the index page of in two scenarios, Get an URL served on HTTP Get an URL served on HTTPS There are multiple ways to finish the job, for example, there are different libraries can be used, or, even in the same library, there…

  • Most of the times, I want my ESP8266 board to communicate with the server through a securer channel such as MQTT over TLS or HTTPS. However, to verify the certification, system’s date/time has to be in a proper configuration. Since ESP8266 is designed to have the network, I believe NTP is definitely the first choice…

  • Recently, I found some funny “news” on Facebook. For example, a surprising mom with a new house. Or, surprised father and the dreamed motorhome. I won’t notice if they are fake or not, before the two stories displayed in my timeline at the same time only 2 or 3 contents away. If you look them…

  • My wife sent me an EleksMill as my birthday gift (Thank you! my love). It’s simple but proper designed desktop CNC. However, the document of the CNC machine is as simple as the design. It cost me around 4 hours to assemble the machine from a piece by piece.   After completed the assembling, I found…

  • Since November last year, after 2degrees upgraded their network and was starting to abandon 2G cross the region, the 3G connection disconnected every 15 minutes. I know it because we have over 50 movie kiosks which originally were using 2degrees 3G network to sync the data. We had to move on. Lucky, Spark gave us a…