Wubi is an unofficial Ubuntu installer for Windows users that will bring you into the Linux world with a single click. Wubi allows you to install and uninstall Ubuntu as any other application. If you heard about Linux and Ubuntu, if you wanted to try them but you were afraid, this is for you.
Wubi 是非官方的 Windows 下的 Ubuntu 安装程序,仅仅一个单击,它可以带领你进入 Linux 世界。Wubi 允许你像对待普通程序一样的安装或者卸载 Ubuntu。如果你听说并且想尝试 Ubuntu,但又心惊胆颤的话,这就是为你诞生的。
Wubi is Safe
It does not require you to modify the partitions of your PC, or to use a different bootloader.
Wubi 是安全的
它不需要修改 PC 上的分区,或者使用不同的启动程序。
Wubi is Simple
Just run the installer, no need to burn a CD.
Wubi 是简单的
只需要运行安装程序,不需要刻录一张 CD。
Wubi is Discrete
Wubi keeps most of the files in one folder, and If you do not like, you can simply uninstall it.
Wubi 是低耦合的
Wubi 将多数文件保存在一个文件夹下面,如果你不喜欢,你可以简单的卸载它。
Wubi is Free
Wubi (like Ubuntu) is free as in beer and as in freedom. You will get this part later on, the important thing now is that it cost absolutely nothing, it is our gift to you…
Wubi 是自由的
使用 Wubi(就像 Ubuntu)就像喝啤酒一样的自由。你可以稍侯理解这部分,现在最重要的是它没有任何费用,这是我们给你的礼物……