Category: android

  • Android 上的 SSH 通道翻墙利器:Connectbot

    最近发现,Android 翻墙版 Opera越来越难以翻墙了。越来越卡,越来越慢……有时甚至完全打不开。于是乎,得寻其他途径。VPN 我是不想用的,一用,整机翻墙,有时用起来反而还慢。

    还好,发现 Connectbot 这个利器。Connectbot 是 Google Code 上的开源项目,在 Android 市场上的原文介绍如下:

    ConnectBot is a powerful open-source Secure Shell (SSH) client. It can manage simultaneous SSH sessions, create secure tunnels, and copy/paste between other applications.

    This client allows you to connect to Secure Shell servers that typically run on UNIX-based servers.

    要知道,SSH Tunneling 是我在桌面翻墙的至爱,Firefox 配合 FoxyProxy 可以选择性翻墙,很是轻松。

    使用 Connectbot 翻墙很容易,只需下面四步:

  • Android Market 的三个更新

    早上起来收到 Android Market 项目组的公告邮件,对于明天的更新做了简单的说明。主要的更新点有三个,显然 Google 在 Android Market 的业务上面有新的动向了。


    First, we have added support for a recent changes feature, which allows you to add notes about changes specific to the newest version of your application. You are able to submit these from the Developer Console, similar to descriptions. In the Market app, these notes will appear under the app description as “Recent changes.”

    Second, there is now a ‘draft upload’ capability for application updates. This feature enables you to edit your app listing and upload a new version without affecting the version live in Market. Your app listing edits will not change your live listing until you select “Publish.”

    Finally, we are adding support for larger promotional graphics to showcase your application. In addition to the currently required app screenshot, you will be required to upload one “feature” graphic. Supported promotional assets will now include:

    • A “feature” graphic, landscape aspect ratio, 1024 x 500 (required).
    • A high-res icon, 512 x 512 (required).. The Android icon design guidelines located at apply.
    • 2 screen shots, 320w x 480h, 480w x 854h, or 480w x 800h, increasing to 8 screen shots in the future (1 required).
    • A link for a promotional video hosted on YouTube (optional).


  • Android 实时获取麦克风输入音量的代码

    Android 上有一些很有趣的应用,例如《吹裙子》、《吹气球》之类的。利用的是实时获取麦克风输入音量,然后进行相应的处理。录音过程中怎样获得声音的大小呢?网上也不少人问如何处理这个事情,也有一些解答,不过都没有实际的代码。简单摸索了一下,写了个小 Demo 试了试,果然可以。给大家共享一下。
