看到邮件列表上说,于 1 月 22 日冻结代码,计划 1 月 24 日正式发布。 增加了不少新的功能,正式发布的时候还可能有更多的一些功能: * Zend_Auth_Adapter_Ldap * Zend_Build/Zend_Console * Zend_Controller additional action helpers * ContextSwitch and AjaxContext * Json * AutoComplete * Zend_Form * Zend_InfoCard * Zend_Layout * Zend_OpenId * Zend_Search_Lucene improvements: * wildcard search * date range search * fuzzy search * Lucene 2.1 index file format support * Zend_View enhancements: * actions * partials * placeholders * Zend_Pdf UTF8 support * New Zend_Service consumables (final list TBD) * A whole lotta bug fixes and documentation improvements