[翻译]Go 指南

英文版本是《A Tour of Go》。我看过之后觉得这种学习体验非常棒,随即按照规则翻译了中文版本:

Go 指南

这个中文版本是部署在 GAE 上的,由于受到功夫网的影响,国内用户无法正常访问。所以,大家八仙过海吧。


由于许多原因,可能有的朋友无法一窥墙外之物。也可以通过源码将指南安装到本地使用。指南中有详细的说明,转发到这里,诸位自便吧。代码我托管在了 http://bitbucket.org/mikespook/go-tour-zh

离线 Go 指南



为了在本地运行指南首先要安装 Go(最后的稳定版本,release.r60),然后使用 goinstall 安装 gotour

    goinstall go-tour.googlecode.com/hg/gotour


    goinstall bitbucket.org/mikespook/go-tour-zh/gotour

最后执行安装产生的 gotour 执行文件。

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  1. zoomq @ zq4wk1ubuntu in ~/workspace/3hg/bitbucket.org/go-tour-zh on default
    $ goinstall gotour
    goinstall: gotour: go/build: package could not be found locally ($GOPATH not set)

    export GOPATH=/path/2/go/pkg/linux_386 ??

  2. $ goinstall -v bitbucket.org/mikespook/go-tour-zh/gotour
    goinstall: open /home/zoomq/workspace/go-lang/go/goinstall.log: no such file or directory
    goinstall: sync: skipping standard library
    goinstall: strings: skipping standard library
    goinstall: flag: skipping standard library
    goinstall: fmt: skipping standard library
    goinstall: /home/zoomq/.go/src/go-tour.googlecode.com/hg/wc: /bin/bash gomake -f- install
    goinstall: runtime: skipping standard library
    goinstall: json: skipping standard library
    goinstall: strconv: skipping standard library
    goinstall: os: skipping standard library
    goinstall: image/png: skipping standard library
    goinstall: image: skipping standard library
    goinstall: bytes: skipping standard library
    goinstall: encoding/base64: skipping standard library
    goinstall: /home/zoomq/.go/src/go-tour.googlecode.com/hg/pic: /bin/bash gomake -f- install
    goinstall: log: skipping standard library
    goinstall: io/ioutil: skipping standard library
    goinstall: go/build: skipping standard library
    goinstall: http: skipping standard library
    goinstall: rand: skipping standard library
    goinstall: /home/zoomq/.go/src/go-tour.googlecode.com/hg/tree: /bin/bash gomake -f- install
    goinstall: exec: skipping standard library
    goinstall: path/filepath: skipping standard library
    goinstall: /home/zoomq/.go/src/bitbucket.org/mikespook/go-tour-zh/gotour: /bin/bash gomake -f- install

    $ ~/.go/bin/gotour
    2011/11/17 21:56:54 Couldn’t find tour files: go/build: package could not be found locally

  3. FT! 原来不能直接对 hg clone 到本地的进行 goinstall!
    goinstall bitbucket.org/mikespook/go-tour-zh/gotour
    会自动下载,并编译安装到默认的 pkg 目录中就有了,而且直接编译到 go/bin 中,成为内置同等级别的本地应用…

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